pátek 11. listopadu 2011


 Iveta Petrasková
           France, Paris
telephone 721 720 xxx
e-mail  IIIvicek@email.cz
          2012-2016     SPŠ Pelřimov

          2016-2021     Fashion college Prague
 Additional information on education
          2021-2022     French language course
          2022-2023     Internship in Germany
 Employment history
          2023 - 2026   Lacoste fashion company
                                Job position : fashion designer

Language skills                                                                                                                                 French  language
                               English language
                              Germany language
                              Russian language

                      Internet (e-mail, www) - advanced

Computer skills
                      FrontPage - basic
                      Microsoft Access - basic
                      Microsoft Excel - basic
                      Microsoft Outlook - advanced
                      Microsoft PowerPoint - advenced
                      Microsoft Word - expert
Driving licence                                                    B category - 30 000 km                       

Characteristics and hobbies
                      I am a communicative, friendly , artis ,creative. I like
                      working with people.

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