pátek 9. března 2012


- calm , cheerful , clever , friendly , hard-working ,emotional , intelligent , kind , lazy , nice , pleasant , quiet , well-behaved
- cheerful , easy-goingb ,  lazy , naghty , rude , thhick , unreliable
-  bright , calm , careful , clever , easy-going , friendly , hard-workig , kind , reliable , polite 

ambitious - ambiciózní
 bad-tempered - mrzutý, špatně naladěný
boring - nudný
bright - bystrý, chytrý, inteligentní
calm - klidný, tichý
careful - opatrný, pečlivý
cheerful - veselý, radostný 
clever - chytrý
confident - jistý, sebejistý
dishonest - nečestný, nepoctivý, podvodný
easy-going - pohodový (člověk)
emotional - emocionální, citový
fit - fit, v dobré kondici
flexible - pružný, flexibilní
friendly - přátelský, vlídný
funny - směšný, legrační, zábavný
generous - štědrý
hard-working - pilný, pracovitý
honest - čestný, poctivý, upřímný
imaginative - představivý, mající fantazii, mající představivost
insensitive - necitlivý
intelligent - inteligentní
interesting - zajímavý
kind - laskavý, milý, vlídný
lazy - líný, lenivý
mean - lakomý, skoupý
miserable - ubohý, nešťastný
naughty - zlobivý, nevychovaný
nervous - nervózní
nice - milý, sympatický
optimistic - optimistický
patient - trpělivý
pessimistic - pesimistický
pleasant - příjemný
polite - slušný, zdvořilý, vychovaný
punctual - dochvilný
quiet - klidný, mírný, tichý
relaxed - uvolněný
reliable - spolehlivý
 reserved - chladný (povahou), uzavřený (povahou)
rude - nezdvořilý, hrubý (chováním), sprostý
sensitive - citlivý
serious - vážný
shy - plachý, stydlivý
stubborn - tvrdohlavý, umíněný
tense - napjatý, napnutý
thick - hloupý, stupidní
thoughtful - ohleduplný, pozorný
unfriendly - nepřátelský, nevlídný, nelaskavý, nepřívětivý
unkind - nevlídný, nelaskavý, nepřátelský
unpleasant - nepříjemný
unreliable - nespolehlivý
well-behaved - vychovaný, slušný, zdvořilý

pátek 13. ledna 2012



 In NEW YORK are many attractions. THere are Central Park,Empire state Building,Times Square,MOMA Museum.

Empire state BUilding ->


MOMA museum in the center of  Manhattan.MOMA Museum is a museum of modern art.

Michael R Bloomberg.jpg

Mayor NEW YORK is Michael Rubens Bloomberg (born 14th February 1942) is an American businessman and politician. Since 2002, the mayor of New York.


Brooklyn is the most populous of the five boroughs of New York. Brooklyn has developed from a small  town "Breuckelen" and was an independent city until 1898, when he joined the New York City.
Brooklyn Bridge

Manhattan is one of the five boroughs of New York (along with Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island). It is also consistent with the territorial district of New York.

STATEN ISLANDStaten Island is one of the five boroughs of New York American. Population: 477,377.

Bronx is one of the five boroughs of New York and one of the districts of the U.S. Federal State of New York.

Queens is one of the five boroughs of New York, while the U.S. Federal District of New York. Area is the largest

11 September 2001
The attacks of 11 September 2001, a series of terrorist attacks that took place on the 11th September 2001 in the United States of America

pátek 11. listopadu 2011


 Iveta Petrasková
           France, Paris
telephone 721 720 xxx
e-mail  IIIvicek@email.cz
          2012-2016     SPŠ Pelřimov

          2016-2021     Fashion college Prague
 Additional information on education
          2021-2022     French language course
          2022-2023     Internship in Germany
 Employment history
          2023 - 2026   Lacoste fashion company
                                Job position : fashion designer

Language skills                                                                                                                                 French  language
                               English language
                              Germany language
                              Russian language

                      Internet (e-mail, www) - advanced

Computer skills
                      FrontPage - basic
                      Microsoft Access - basic
                      Microsoft Excel - basic
                      Microsoft Outlook - advanced
                      Microsoft PowerPoint - advenced
                      Microsoft Word - expert
Driving licence                                                    B category - 30 000 km                       

Characteristics and hobbies
                      I am a communicative, friendly , artis ,creative. I like
                      working with people.

pátek 21. října 2011

If I won a million dollars, I would...

If I won a milion dollars , i would buy Louis vuitton bag and clothes Louis Vuitton and shoes dior. I would like dog husky and small dog.